Bayer Contour Next Test Strips

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Monitor Your Blood Glucose Levels With Bayer Contour Next Test Strips

If you need to regularly check your blood glucose levels, slip a Bayer Contour Next test strip into your monitor and give your finger a prick. These strips accurately measure your blood to see how much sugar is in it, so they can be helpful for managing hypoglycemia, diabetes, and other conditions. There are many different sizes of test strip packs available for sale on eBay, so you can get Contour Next test strips in bulk or just purchase a few for occasional testing.

Which systems will the test strips work with?

The Bayer Contour Next test strips are meant to work with the Bayer Next EZ Blood Glucose Monitoring System. These test strips are carefully calibrated to work with one product, so they are not compatible with any other items in the Contour line.

Things to consider when shopping for test strips

Picking out the right test strip package is fairly straightforward as long as you take the time to check these things:

  • Package size: Bayer Contour Next test strips are available in smaller boxes of 50 or larger boxes with up to 100.
  • Expiration date: Look at the expiration date on the item to make sure you are getting strips that you can use up before they expire.
  • Number of packs: You might want to make a purchase with multiple Bayer Contour Next test strips because multi-packs tend to be more budget friendly.
  • Glucose monitor type: Take a quick look at your monitor to make sure you have the black and grey Contour Next instead of the blue and grey Contour.
  • Additional items: You can sometimes find kits that contain both the Bayer Contour Next test strips and the lancing device if you need this item too.
These strips only need a small amount of blood

An important consideration when choosing the right testing strips is how much blood you will need. The Bayer Contour next test strips are very sensitive, so you do not need to prick your finger heavily. The strips will work as long as you put 0.6 microliters on them. This is about the amount of blood in a tiny, round drop after being pricked.

Content provided for informational purposes only. eBay is not affiliated with or endorsed by Bayer.