Bombas de combustible para Land Rover Discovery

Land Rover Discovery Fuel Pumps

The fuel pump is an important part of your Land Rover Discovery’s fuel system. Since it moves gasoline from the fuel tank into a line to the motor, a faulty pump can mean a motor that runs poorly or not at all. You can find the correct Land Rover Discovery fuel pumps for your Land Rover and learn about it here.

How does the fuel pump work?

The Land Rover Discovery fuel pump, which is mounted inside the gas tank, is an electric pump that sends fuel down a fuel line to the motor where it’s distributed to fuel injectors. A tank mounted pump also incorporates a float sensor that measures the amount of fuel left in the tank. Some models of the Discovery have an inline fuel pump that is mounted between the fuel tank and the motor.

What types of fuel pumps exist?

There are three types of pump that are found in a Land Rover Discovery, including:

  • Fuel tank: These pumps, which are mounted in the fuel tank, have become standard in most vehicles. They combine with the sensor that measures how full the tank is.
  • Inline: Another type of electric fuel pump is a mounted inline. This means that it sits somewhere between the engine and the gas tank, interrupting the fuel line where it’s mounted.
  • Mechanical: Mechanical fuel pumps were used on carburetor engines. The pump was cranked mechanically by the motor as it ran, drawing fuel from the fuel line and injecting it into the carburetor.
What can cause a fuel pump to fail?
  • Lack of power: Electric pumps can fail when their power supply is interrupted. This can be caused by a blown fuse, a broken wire, or a loose electrical connection. It’s important to rule out these kinds of electrical faults before replacing a fuel pump.
  • Foreign matter: Dirt and rust can be drawn up into the pump and clog its filter. As this happens, the pump will lose the ability to send fuel to the engine and eventually stop altogether.
What are the signs that a fuel pump needs maintenance?
  • Poorly running motor: A fuel pump that’s struggling to send fuel to the motor will cause the motor to miss and stall. You may notice the motor sputtering or jerking at highway speeds first since this is when the demand for fuel from the pump is highest.
  • Lower fuel economy: If the pump is leaking or causing the motor to run poorly, this will decrease your Discovery’s fuel economy.