Golf DVDs

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How to Choose an Instructional Golf DVD or Book

Few golfers have the time or money for professional golf lessons or expensive clinics. Luckily, there are ways to get the professional instruction you need to improve your game without breaking your bank. Even better, you can get it all done right in the comfort of your own home with a new or pre-owned golf DVD or any one of a series of reasonably priced golf books and manuals.

What are the benefits of using a golf DVD?

If youre a visual learner, chances are that a DVD will be more helpful when trying to improve certain aspects of your golf game. Most of these DVDs will be relatively recent as well (usually within the last 20 years) and can feature several hours of quality instruction from professionals. There is a wide range of DVDs out there, including those for very specific problems or audiences. Some of these include:

  • First time or junior golfers
  • Chipping improvement
  • Putting improvement
  • Swing refinement and design
Take advantage of the benefits of reading golf books

Books allow the writer to get much more in-depth about the subject at hand than a DVD would. This usually means that youll end up with a more complete, well-rounded knowledge of each topic by the time youre done.

Furthermore, some vintage golf books are more autobiographical in nature and can tell a story that helps grow your appreciation for the game and some of its famous players. Either way, if you prefer to learn by immersing yourself in the subjects mechanics, fundamentals, and physics, reading new golf books will be a great way for you increase your knowledge.

One of golf’s most well-known instructional DVDs

One golf DVD that has proved popular amongst golfers of various skill levels is the “Golf My Way” DVD from Jack Nicklaus. A recognized “Master of Masters” when it comes to golfing, Nicklaus demonstrates his ability to teach the fundamentals and fine points of the sport to both novice and practiced golfers. New and used “Golf My Way” DVDs are very common, as it has been around for over 25 years and is still one of the most widely used and well-regarded instructional videos on the game.

Some topics covered in the "Golf My Way” DVD include:

  • Developing a reliable, full swing
  • How to play different lies
  • Wedge play, pitching, and bunker shots
  • Preparing for and executing an effective putt
  • Proper mental focus and approach