Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs para Ford Ranger

Ford Ranger Car & Truck Keyless Entry Remotes Fobs

Keyless entry remotes provide Ford owners with the ability to unlock as well as lock and alarm their Ford Ranger. This allows for a seamless remote system that adds both convenience and security to your Ford. While a remote is not a necessary tool to the operation and use of your vehicle, it can add a number of added conveniences that you may find you just cant live without.

What are the benefits of a keyless entry fob?

While some see a remote as simply one of the many options out there when it comes to vehicle entry, there are actually a number of advantages to choosing a remote. Not only can they help to make your life a little easier, but a remote for your Ford can also:

  • Start your car remotely - A remote can allow you to enter your car more easily, and can also give you the ability to start your car from a distance. This is particularly helpful for those who live in cold areas as they can start and warm their vehicle before they need to drive.
  • Provide you with keyless entry - A remote key fob allows you to open your car as long as you are close to it.
  • Give you car locator and alarm capabilities - Sounds on some key fobs allow you to more easily find your keys and car as well as alarm your vehicle in the event that youre looking to drive off animals or other intruders.
  • Conveniently pop your trunk - Many key fobs also have the ability to remotely open your trunk as well. In some cases, the trunk will actually open completely so that you can easily put things in your trunk when your hands are full.
How do you program a keyless entry fob replacement?

If you have had to purchase a replacement for your keyless remote, the first step is to program your remote replacement so that you can use it with your Ford. When programming a key fob replacement, consider the following steps:

  • 1. Turn the key to the "On" position and press the unlock button on the keyless remote.
  • 2. Turn the key to "Off."
  • 3. Repeat this step three times for a total of four times, leaving the key "On."
  • 4. Once you hear the locks engaging, youll know that youre in programming mode.
  • 5. Press the lock button again on the key fob and the locks will cycle back and forth, indicating that the programming is complete.
  • 6. Turn the key to "Off."
How does a keyless entry remote work?

Keyless entry remotes enclose a short-range transmitter, which is why the remote must be in the vicinity of the vehicle to work. Typically, the remote must be within five to twenty meters of your Ford. When a button is pushed on the keyless entry remote, a coded signal is sent using radio waves to the receiver on your Ford. This results in the door either locking or unlocking.