Keyless Entry Remotes & Fobs for Saturn Vue

Keyless Entry Remotes/Fobs for Saturn Vue

Keyless entry remotes and key fobs are useful accessories for your vehicle. Once a luxury, key fobs have become standard on automobiles, such as the Saturn Vue, for their convenience and ease. If you need a replacement or spare key fob, it is important to understand how they work and what to do after purchase.

What is a keyless entry?

A keyless entry is a small device called a key fob that hangs on your key ring and is about the size of a small cookie. Like regular keys, fobs are usually used to open your Saturn Vues doors, lock your vehicle, set the alarm, or pop the trunk, all without using your hands. If youve ever gotten your Saturn lost in a crowded parking lot and couldnt find it, your keyless remote can set off your vehicles alarm or horn, enabling you to locate your Saturn easily. If you ever lose your cars keyless remote, you can order another one as a replacement.

How does a keyless remote work?

Key fobs work like small shortwave radios that talk to your car. Using a specific radio frequency, your key fob sends a code to your vehicle that allows you to lock or unlock your cars doors and trunk or set the alarm. Many remotes can automatically unlock the car when youre about five feet away, which is very helpful when your arms are full of bags, kids, or pets. Using your keyless entry remote is much easier than dragging keys out of your pocket.

How do you get a keyless entry remote?

Keyless entry remotes are a lot like regular vehicle keys in that their programming fits one car. If you dont know what kind of key fob to get for your Saturn Vue replacement or spare, just flip your Saturns remote over. Look for the number that says "FCC ID" on the back. Any replacement remote youre ordering for your car that has that same FCC ID will work with your Saturns make and model. If you are getting a replacement remote for one that was damaged or lost and not available, the Saturn dealership can help you. Call the Saturn dealer and ask them to give you the FCC ID. They will need your vehicle identification number (the VIN), which is usually located near the inside of the drivers side door.

How do you program the keyless entry remote?

Although programming your Saturns remote is probably easy for the tech-savvy, most drivers find programming their remote easier when a professional does it. Call your Saturn dealer and ask them about programming your new remote and (if needed) cutting a new standard key or valet key at the same time.