Máquinas elípticas NordicTrack


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NordicTrack Elliptical Trainers

NordicTrack offers a wide range of elliptical models to provide a fun and efficient way to get a good workout and maintain fitness. Elliptical trainers provide a total body fitness workout without excessive strain on your joints. These NordicTrack elliptical trainers can make exercise easier.

What is an elliptical machine?

An elliptical machine is a stationary piece of exercise equipment designed to simulate walking or running. The pedals of the elliptical machine move in an elliptical pattern, allowing for heel-to-toe stride motion while eliminating the impact of running or walking. This low-impact stride movement reduces stress on the joints and allows you to feel that you are working at a lower resistance than you are while you’re still receiving the same intensity of a workout. NordicTrack trainers allow for all the cardiovascular benefits of incline running or incline walking without the jarring impact.

How do you choose a NordicTrack Elliptical Trainer?

There are a number of choices when it comes to NordicTrack Trainers. Choosing the correct elliptical trainer requires some planning and thought. When choosing an elliptical machine from NordicTrack, you need to think about what kind of workout you want, what type of advanced features you need, and how much physical space you have for the elliptical machine:

  • Type of workout: Free-stride elliptical trainers allow for a wide range of motion and stride lengths. Front-drive elliptical machines allow for wide stride lengths to engage more muscles when working out. Rear-drive ellipticals offer a more natural stride motion, simulating running or walking.
  • Types of advanced features: Ellipticals from NordicTrack come with an array of advanced features. Some machines from NordicTrack offer smart touchscreen displays in various sizes. Certain NordicTrack models offer heart rate sensors or Bluetooth heart rate monitors. Other NordicTrack elliptical machines are also iFit enabled. Most offer adjustable resistance, adjustable stride, and adjustable incline.
  • Machine footprint: Before buying an elliptical from NordicTrack, it is important to know where the fitness equipment will be installed so that you can plan accordingly. Some elliptical machines are large and take up a lot of room while others are more compact or can be folded for storage.
What does iFit-enabled mean with a NordicTrack elliptical?

If your NordicTrack is iFit-enabled, it means that the elliptical can work with your iFit subscription to allow you to choose from a variety of fitness and training programs to use on your elliptical. These programs will appear on your NordicTrack touch screen to add interest and motivation to your workouts.