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How to Buy a New TV

Modern TVs are attractive because they are thin, have high definition, and sport plenty of features. Due to the sheer number of TVs out there, finding the right one can be a lengthy process, but you can consider a few key points to save time and find the right television model for you.

What size TV screen do I need?

New TVs range in size from that of computer monitors to gigantic cinema-sized screens that can take up an entire wall.

  • More is not always good, so size should be chosen based on how far away you'll be sitting as you view the television. Looking at any size TV up close reveals the individual pixels that comprise the picture, especially with non-4K resolution models.
  • An HD resolution of 1920x1080p may differ in quality depending on size, especially when viewed up close. For smaller TVs, lower resolutions are often adequate, but the larger the screen, the higher the resolution should be.
  • Consider how you plan to hang or support the TV. Although flat-screen TVs are lighter than previous models were, large televisions especially may require planning and specialized hardware to hang, though a flat-screen LCD TV may not weigh as much as plasma sets of the past.

What features do I need?

Smart TVs are becoming standard, adding powerful tools and functions to your viewing experience.

  • A smart TV can be smaller and less costly than you may expect, with many new televisions including smart features as a standard. Internet connectivity, streaming support, and built-in social media apps are only some things that may be part of a smart TV's capabilities.
  • For those who stream media from streaming services or video websites, new televisions often have built-in support. Viewers can select the streaming service or site and use their subscription or user data to log in, though the TV doesn't provide a subscription to services requiring one.
  • Features like curved screens, OLED backlight, and others can also influence shopping. Consider necessity and future-proofing for these.

Do I need a new television?

Plenty of households still get their media from tube TVs that run well, but it is never too soon to prepare for the future.

  • The resolution that media is filmed and viewed in only increases with time. 1920x1080p may be HD, but 4K and higher can be expected to become more commonplace. Larger screens benefit from higher resolutions as does the viewing experience for media designed for such a platform.
  • New technology can also help to save a little on bills. Flat-screen TVs from RCA, for example, use less power than CRT screens do, and the larger the CRT, the more power it consumes. Even a CRT that's much smaller than an LED TV will likely use more power.
  • RCA models are widely available, with models appropriate for different budgets and needs.

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