Reproduction WW I French Collectibles

French WWI Reproduction Collectibles for the War History Enthusiast

There are a wide variety of reproduction World War I materials available for the history buff, collector, or war reenactor. This war was known for trench warfare and was marked by the introduction of gas weapons, and many of the materials from that period were made for that kind of war. There are a wide variety of reproduction items available from this war including helmets, gas masks, rifle, hand gun, and knives.

How Does Scarcity of Open Up the Market?

For history buffs, original materials from that era are now far more scarce than they used to be. Where materials like brass medal, iron guns and knives, and trench art last a long time with good care, materials like wool, cotton, leather, and wood all rot or become fragile overtime. For the collector, having modern remakes of items provides examples to add to a collection of authentic memorabilia.

  • Trench Art - Authentic pieces of art were made by soldiers from things like French coins, bullet casings, or whatever found material was available. They were called trench art, but making the art had nothing to do with where it came from. That was just a defining characteristic of the conflict. These unique items are the rarest item for antique collectors.
  • Trophies - It was not unusual for military members on both sides to pilfer the belongings of dead enemies or to take the surviving bits of equipment with military insignia on them. These have also been among the most collectible of original items in the American market.

How Do I Choose French Reproductions for Living History Reenactments?

One of the biggest markets for quality reproductions is for people who reenact history. They look for authentic uniforms, model weaponry, and other typical soldier gear with historically accurate insignia and details right down to the thread that is used.

  • Coats and Uniforms - Whether you are playing the part of a member of the infantry or an officer, there are a variety of types and sizes of uniforms available based on what France, Germany, the United States, or any of the other major countries involved used. Even details as simple as socks and bandages exist on the collectors' market.
  • Helmets - You can also get authentic looking helmets in any size made of traditional or plastic materials.
  • Rifles and Other Gear - There are many model guns and rifles available that resemble those used in the war. You can also find representations of the kind of camping gear soldiers were equipped with like metal dinnerware, gas masks, and canteens. You can also find combat knives and scabbards.