White LED Strobe Car Lights

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White LED Strobe Car Lights

Strobe lights, also known as emergency lights, are often used to customize personal vehicles. These lights can enhance the style of your ride while also providing greater visibility than a headlight alone. Strobe lights, LED lights, and other cosmetic lights are most commonly seen in sports cars.

Are colored light bulbs legal for personal vehicles?

Before customizing your headlights, fog bulbs or any other component of your car with an LED lighting kit, you should first research whether your state permits the use of them. Some states maintain strict guidelines on what types of colored headlight and LED lights can be used on personal cars and at what times in the day. Generally, all white car LED strobe lights are permitted for private use, such as for use on private farmland, and off-roading.

There is additionally often a limit on how bright these LEDs are allowed to be. The brightness permitted varies by location, but generally they should not be bright enough to be confused for emergency responder vehicle lights.

Do strobe lights flash?

White LED strobe car light kits offer many different lighting settings, including the capability to flash. However, this can confuse other drivers because it may mimic an emergency light or warning light such as from an ambulance or police car. Flash settings may include the ability to adjust the duration of the lighting effect.

Do LED lights produce heat?

A major concern for car owners is the heat produced by special effect lighting. Fortunately, many bulbs are available that do not produce noticeable amounts of heat during use. As an added benefit, they can also be highly energy efficient, which reduces battery consumption. Compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are a low heat-emitting option for personal use vehicles. CFL bulbs are designed to last longer than standard ones as well.

What types of white LED car lights are available?
  • Light Bars - These lights are affixed in a linear unit that can be installed all at once.
  • Eagle Eyes - These are individual bulbs that you can install separately.
  • Grill Lights - These lights typically feature four to eight bulbs and are mounted on the grill of the vehicle.
  • Wireless Mount Lights - These lights are affixed to a raised mount and have a remote control so that you can operate them from a distance.
  • Fin Lights - Some lights are already shaped like decorative fixtures for your vehicle, so they blend into the design.